
PROtect KIT are small kits suitable for Laser ®, Moth and Skiff, 49er, dinghies or small boats.
Every kit has been designed and optimized by product specialist and professional sailor to satisfy demanding clients.
Laser ® Mast Disk is a 1mm tick disk with a diameter of 65mm to be placed into the mast step and avoid abrasion. It can be cambined with Laser ® Wear Kit, two stripes of UHMWPE and acrylic adhesive to be placed on the mast, down to mast step and mast deck area to avoid any wearing and tearing.
Laser ® Kit gathers the above two items plus a selection of six Chafe tapes for snug fit ot the top and bottom mast sections, deck abrasion from the tiller, making more slippery the outhaul and finally some squared for the centre board.
Moth and Skiff Kit has been developped by Simon Payne and contains a large selections of PROtect Chafe and Mask to protect the trampolines and wings, four tapes of different gauges to stop the centreboard slope, 6 meters of UHMWPE tape for the cambers, one thin film for the outhaul and one all purposes tape for rigging and all uneven surface.
Patches (PMK002) contains six PROtect Chafe patches ready to be applied.
PML001 Laser ® Wear Kit, 2 stripes, 500 micron, 51mm wide, 200mm long
PML002 Laser ® Mast Disk, 1mm, diameter 65mm
PML004 Laser ® Mast snug fit, PCT125 17mm and 30mm, 2m long for snug fit of top and bottom sections
PML003 Laser ® Kit contains:
- 2 stripes, 500 micron, 51mm wide, 200mm long (PML001)
- 2 disks, 1mm, diameter 65mm (PML002)
- PCT125 17mm and 30mm, 2m long for snug fit of top and bottom sections of the mast (PML004)
- PCT250 34mm, 150mm for the tiller abrasion
- PCT250 150mm x 300mm for the outhaul
- PCT250 5 squares 30 x 30mm for the centre board
PMK001 Moth and Skiff Kit contains:
- PCT250 51mm x 6m for the cambers
- PCT250 51mm x 1.5m for the wings and trampolines
- PCT500 25mm x 1m to stop centreboard slop
- PCT250 25mm x 1m to stop centreboard slop
- PCT125 25mm x 1m to stop centreboard slop
- PCT076 25mm x 1m to stop centreboard slop
- PCT125 51mm x 2m for the outhaul
- PMG050012330 rigging tape
PMK002 contains:
- PCT125 150mm x 150mm 2 pieces
- PCT250 150mm x 150mm 2 pieces
- PCT250 50mm x 150mm 2 pieces
PML001/002/004 and PMK002 crystal clear BOPP bag with Eurohole and barcode
PML003, PMK001, PMK049 clear PET clamshell with Eurohole and barcode